Rational Animal will provide Trails to Tails maps and Orange Ribbon for Animals merchandise at AC&C Fundraiser, June 18th
Contact sbrandt@rational-animal.org if you want to help us give out our Trails to Tails and Orange Ribbon for Animals merchandise.
Full details at TastingNYC - click here.

Date: Friday, June 18, 2010
Time: 6:00pm - 11:00pm
Location: BLVD, 199 Bowery (btwn Spring St. and Rivington)
Drink Special: $5 Bud/Bud Lights and $5 wine!
Admission: FREE!
BLVD is dog-friendly!
If you're on Facebook, click here:
The event is co-hosted by one of the top names in New York radio, Maria Milito of Q104.3. C
heck out Maria's blog.